Service Areas
Below is a listing of Gorilla Dumpster Bag's current service areas in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Please don't hesitate to call us if you are unsure if you are located in our current service areas.
Minnesota Service Areas
Cities Include:
Wisconsin Service Areas
Cities Include:
Service Waiver

Gorilla Dumpster Bag Service Waiver
I give Gorilla Dumpster Bag permission to place a Gorilla Dumpster Bag and Stand on my property (driveway, lawn, etc). I also give Gorilla Dumpster Bag permission to drive or do work on my property or driveway to collect the Gorilla Dumpster Bag. A signed Service Waiver form is required for all Gorilla Dumpster Bag sets and collections on your property.
Gorilla Dumpster Bag has thoroughly explained the risks associated with a Gorilla Dumpster Bag and stand being set on my property along with the risks of a commercial vehicle driving on my driveway. Gorilla Dumpster Bag is not liable for any damage caused by storm or high wind displacement of the bag and stand, or stands causing any damage on the property. Also, listed but not limited to damage of lawn, driveway, pavement, concrete, landscaping, pavers, underground piping, and property structures, etc. I fully understand their concern and all risks, but I request that Gorilla Dumpster Bag Company, both places and collects my Gorilla Dumpster Bag on my property. Gorilla Dumpster Bag is not liable for damage of any nature or kind incurred by my request to receive Gorilla Dumpster Bag delivery and pickup service. "
I have read, and I fully understand the above terms and conditions.
1. Please complete all sections of the form below.
2. Include (CITY & STATE).
3. CHECK BOX then CLICK SUBMIT to approve.: